How to Keep Cats Out of The Window? Purr-fect Solutions

Cats are curious and adventurous creatures who like discovering their environment.

They love to explore their surroundings and watch the world go by from the comfort of their windows.

Cat watching outside

However, this can also pose some risks for them, especially if they try to climb out or jump through the window.

In this article, we will share some advice on how to keep cats away from windows so they can’t hurt themselves or run away.

Why Do Cats Like to Climb Out Windows?

Cats like scaling windows for a number of reasons, including:

  • Seeking warmth

Cats are attracted to warm places, and windows can provide them with a cozy spot to bask in the sun.

  • Wanting to look outside

Cats like observing birds, squirrels, and other outside creatures because they are natural hunters.

Cat wanna go Outsidre

They could also want to observe what’s going on in their area or see if any prospective romantic interests are close by.

  • Being curious about their reflection

When cats look in a mirror or a piece of glass, they might not recognize themselves, and they might even try to play with or shoo away their reflection.

  • Feeling bored or restless

Cats need mental and physical stimulation, and they may get bored or restless if they don’t have enough toys, games, or attention[1].

They may seek new challenges or adventures by climbing out the window.

Why Should You Keep Cats Out of the Window?

While it can appear safe for cats to perch at the window, trying to escape might really be extremely perilous for them.

Some of the risks include:


Cats are prone to falling to the ground after losing their balance or slipping from the window ledge.

They may get fractured bones, internal damage, or even pass away, depending on the height and angle of the fall.


Cats who escape via windows run the risk of not being able to find their way back or of running into dangers like automobiles, dogs, predators, or other cats.

They could also be stolen, misplaced, or hurt by someone who dislikes cats.

Cat Escaping

Damaging the window

Cats that scratch or bite the screen or windows might harm the glass or frame.

Additionally, they could damage themselves by shattering the glass or being trapped in the screen.

How to Keep Cats Out of the Window: 10 Tips

To keep your cat secure and happy indoors, make sure they don’t have access to the window or any motivation to climb out.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

Keep the Windows Shut

Keeping the windows closed is the easiest and most reliable way to deter cats from entering the house.

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This will eliminate the possibility of your cat falling or leaping out of the window by preventing access to the sill or ledge.

You can partially open the windows to bring in some fresh air, but make sure that your cat can’t get through the opening.

To protect the windows and stop them from being opened by accident, you may also employ window latches or locks.

Use Window Guards or Screens

Consider utilizing window guards or screens if you wish to leave your windows open more frequently or if your windows are difficult to close.

These are fixtures that fasten to window frames and erect a physical barrier that prevents your cat from pushing or climbing through.

While window screens are often composed of cloth or plastic, window guards are typically constructed of metal bars or mesh.

A variety of window guards and screens, like KidCo Window Guard and PetScreen, are available online or at home improvement retailers.

Make sure the window guard or screen is strong and complements the size and style of your window.

Cat proof Window Screen

Use double-sided tape

You may use doublesided tape to make a barrier that your cat won’t want to pass since cats don’t enjoy the sensation of sticky tape on their paws.

Your cat won’t approach the window sill, ledge, or frame if you tape it off.

Use Cat Repellents

Another way to keep cats out of the windows is to use cat repellents.

These are substances that emit a smell or sensation that cats find unpleasant or annoying and deter them from approaching certain areas[2].

For example, you can use doublesided tape, aluminum foil, citrus peels, vinegar, or commercial spray repellents on the window sill or ledge[3].

These will make your cat feel uncomfortable or sticky when they touch them, which will discourage them from climbing onto the window.

However, be careful not to use anything that could harm your cat’s skin or eyes, such as hot sauce, bleach, or ammonia.

Use a motion sensor

You may use a motion sensor to scare cats away from the window since they don’t appreciate being startled by loud noises or quick movements.

You may purchase motion sensors that, when activated by your cat, produce music, lights, or water.

Your cat will learn to avoid them if you put them near the window.

Consider Building a Catio

Consider creating a catio for your cat if you have the necessary room and funds.

A catio is an enclosed outdoor space that lets your cat enjoy the sunshine and fresh air without putting them in danger.

A catio can be an integral part of your home or balcony, or it can stand alone in your garden or yard.

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Although you may construct your catio to suit your tastes and requirements, be sure that it is safe and escapeproof.

Cat Catio

Additionally, for your cat’s comfort and entertainment, you may decorate your cattery with some plants, furnishings, toys, water bowls, litter boxes, and shelters.

A catio may be a wonderful way to improve your cat’s life and give them a secure outside environment.

Keep Your Cat Entertained

Cats who want to escape via windows often do so because they are bored or restless inside.

As a result, you should engage and amuse your cat with a variety of hobbies and games.

For instance, you may use interactive toys like mice, balls, feather wands, laser pointers, or feather wands to play with your cat.

For your cat to hunt down and discover, you may also conceal some treats or cat food around the home.

Additionally, you may give your cat some brainteasers like puzzle toys or food dispensers that reward them with food.

You may decrease your cat’s urge to explore outside and keep them from getting into mischief by keeping them occupied and content inside.

Training and Positive Reinforcement

Teach your cat commands like “OFF” or “NO” to discourage them from climbing on window sills.

Reward good behavior with treats and affection when they listen to your commands.

 Provide Alternative Perches

Cats appreciate having a high vantage point from which to examine their surroundings; therefore, one of the reasons why they like to stare out windows is because of this.

As a result, you may provide your cat with more perches where they can rest and fulfill their natural curiosity.

You could, for instance, put up a cat tree, a shelf, a hammock, or a bed next to the window but not on the ledge.

To make these perches more inviting and gratifying for your cat, you may also put some food, toys, or catnip on them.

Your cat will have a cozy haven where they may see the outside world without endangering their safety in this manner.

Spay or neuter your cat

Looking for mates is one of the key motives behind cats wanting to escape via windows.

Your cat will be more satisfied to stay indoors if you spay or neuter them, which will lessen their desire to roam and procreate.

Additionally, spaying or neutering your cat will enhance their behavior and health and lower their chance of contracting illnesses and infections.


Why are cats so attracted to windows?

Cats are naturally curious animals. They are drawn to windows because they offer a view of the outside world, including moving objects, sounds, and the opportunity to sunbathe. This visual and auditory stimulation triggers their hunting instincts and provides mental enrichment.

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Will using scents like citrus or lavender harm my cat?

Citrus, lavender, and eucalyptus scents are generally considered safe for cats when used in moderation. However, some cats might be more sensitive to certain scents than others. Always monitor your cat’s reactions when introducing new scents, and discontinue use if you notice any signs of discomfort or irritation.

How can I train my cat to stay off the window sill?

Training your cat to stay off the window sill requires patience and consistency. Teach commands like “off” or “no” and use positive reinforcement, such as treats or affection, when your cat complies. Create an enticing alternative space near the window, like a cozy cat bed or perch, to encourage them to stay away from the window sill.

Are there specific plants I can place near windows to deter my cat?

Yes, certain plants are disliked by cats owing to their aroma or texture. Rosemary, rue, and Coleus canina (commonly known as the “Scaredy Cat” plant) are a few examples. Be cautious when introducing new plants into your house, since some plants can be poisonous to cats if consumed. Always do your research on plant safety and keep an eye on your cat’s reactions.

Is it possible to completely keep my cat away from the window?

While it’s challenging to completely eliminate a cat’s interest in windows, you can redirect their behavior and minimize their access to window sills and coverings. By offering alternative sources of entertainment, creating inviting spaces, and using deterrents, you can achieve a more harmonious coexistence with your cat without compromising your windows.


While keeping cats away from windows can be challenging, it’s important to find a balance between their natural instincts and your household harmony.

By providing alternative sources of entertainment, creating a cat-friendly window space, and using visual deterrents, you can encourage your feline friend to engage in more appropriate behaviors.

Remember that patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are keys to successfully coexisting with your cat while maintaining the integrity of your windows and decor.


  1. Do Cats get bored? 5 Signs of Cat Boredom | Purina
  2. Cat Senses | PAWS Chicago
  3. Cat-Friendly Plants | CatLikesBest

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