How to Keep Cats Away From Plants? Plant Lover’s Guide

In case you appreciate both cats and plants, you will have battled to keep your cat companions absent from your plants.

keep cats away from plants

Cats are curious animals, and they may be drawn to your plants for a assortment of reasons, counting fragrance, taste, surface, look, or shade.

In any case, this may be unsafe to both your plants and your cats, particularly in case the plants are noxious or have sharp thistles.

How to Choose Safe and Cat-Friendly Plants

Choosing safe and cat-friendly plants is essential to ensure the well-being of your feline companion. Cats are curious creatures and may explore or even nibble on plants, but some species can be toxic and pose serious health risks.

To create a safe environment, opt for non-toxic plants such as spider plants, Boston ferns, and bamboo, which add a touch of greenery without harming your furry friend[1].

Indoor Plants

Research each plant before introducing it into your home to verify its safety. Additionally, consider placing plants in elevated areas or using hanging planters to prevent easy access for curious paws.

Regularly inspect and remove any wilting or damaged leaves to avoid accidental ingestion.

By taking these precautions, you can create a harmonious living space where your cat can roam freely without compromising their health.

According to certified Cat behaviorist through(ABI) Dr.Stephen Quandt[2], “Fiber in plants helps with intestinal motility, and plants may have some nutrients that cats benefit from. Also, some plants may just taste good to cats

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants may give color and decontaminate the discuss in your house, but they can moreover draw your cat to snack, chew, or burrow in them.

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Here are a few techniques for keeping your indoor plants secure from your cat:

Cat and Plant

Make your plants unappealing.

Cats dislike citrus, so spray some lemon or lime juice on your plants or surround them with citrus peels. Other odors that cats loathe, such as vinegar, lavender, eucalyptus, or mint, can also be used[3].

Alternatively, a commercial spray repellent that is safe for cats and plants can be used.

Make your plants inaccessible.

Plants can be kept in tall regions where your cat cannot reach, such as racks, windowsills, or hanging bushel. You will too cover your plants with impediments like chicken wire, netting, or plastic cones.

Another elective is to utilize a motion-activated pet repellent that splashes discuss or water when your cat approaches your plants.

Give your cat something else to chew on.

In case your cat appreciates eating grass or takes off, you will supply them with a secure substitute, such as cat grass, catnip, or wheatgrass.

Cat Chewing

You will too give them with toys or treats to redirect them from your plants. Make beyond any doubt to commend and empower your cat for taking off your plants alone.

Outdoor Plants

Outdoor plants can beautify your landscape and attract animals, but they can also welcome unpleasant guests, such as stray or neighbor cats. Here are some tips for keeping cats away from your outdoor plants:

Outdoor Plants

Use noise deterrents.

Cats are touchy to uproarious and unexpected commotions, so you will panic them absent by utilizing contraptions that create clamor when movement is identified, such as chimes, shrieks, sirens, or ultrasonic gadgets[4].

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To create commotion when cats tread on it, you will moreover utilize tin thwart, plastic packs, or cans pressed with stones.

Use reflective objects.

Cats are scared of flashy and moving objects, so use mirrors, CDs, aluminum foil, or wind chimes to dissuade them. Water sprinklers or hoses that spray water when they detect motion are another option.

Use unpleasant scents.

Cats dislike citrus scents, so use lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit peels to keep them away from your garden.

Other irritating scents to cats include garlic, onion, coffee grounds, cayenne pepper, mustard powder, and mothballs[5].

However, avoid using anything that might endanger the cats or the plants.


Why do I need to keep cats away from my plants?

Cats are inquisitive creatures that may be drawn to your plants, causing damage. They may gnaw on foliage, dig in the dirt, or knock over pots, which can hurt both your plants and the cats.

What are some natural ways to deter cats from my plants?

You may use natural deterrents such as lemon peels, coffee grinds, or cayenne pepper to surround the plants. Cats detest the strong odors of these goods and will most likely avoid the area.

Can I train my cat to stay away from plants?

Positive reinforcement may be used to train cats. Reward your cat with goodies or praise if he or she avoids the plants. If they approach the plants, however, shift their attention and gently discourage the habit.

Are there any plants that naturally repel cats?

Yes, some plants are known to be natural cat repellents. Examples include rue, lavender, rosemary, and pennyroyal. Planting these around your garden may help deter cats from the area.

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Can I use water to deter cats from my plants?

Yes, you may use a water sprayer or install motion-activated sprinklers to frighten cats when they approach your plants. They may eventually link the unpleasant experience with the plants and avoid them.


In conclusion, implementing natural deterrents like citrus peels or cayenne pepper around plants and creating physical barriers such as fencing can effectively keep cats away from your cherished greenery, maintaining both a feline-friendly and plant-safe environment.


  1. Pet-Friendly Plants | ASPCA.
  2. Quandt, S. | Cat Behavior Help.
  3. Top 10 toxic household plants. (n.d.). Vca.
  4. Do Ultrasonic Cat Repellers Work On All Cats? |
  5. A scent-sitive subject: Essential oil diffusers and your cat | VMBS News.

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