Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer Recipe: Feline-approved

As a cat parent, you want the very best for your furry friend, especially when they are young and vulnerable. Whether you have rescued an orphaned kitten or simply want to provide your little one with the best nutrition possible, finding the right milk replacer can be a challenge.

Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer Recipe
Ben Queenborough – Shutterstock

With so many commercial options on the market, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. But what if we told you that you could make a nutritious and delicious homemade kitten milk replacer recipe in just a few simple steps?

That’s right, you can create a recipe that is not only cost-effective, but also tailored to your kitten’s needs. In this article, we will share a feline-approved recipe that will make your kitten purr with joy.

So, grab your whisk, and let’s get started on providing your little one with the best nutrition possible!

Importance of Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer

Homemade kitten milk replacer can be a lifesaver for orphaned or rejected kittens, providing them with the necessary nutrition they need to grow and thrive. As Per PDSAThere are actually no benefits to your cat having milk – as long as they are being given a balanced, age-appropriate complete diet.” Here are some of the key benefits of using a homemade kitten milk replacer:

  • Cost-effective: Making your own kitten milk replacer is a cost-effective alternative to purchasing commercial products. You can save money by using ingredients you already have at home, such as evaporated milk, whole milk, and eggs.
  • Customizable: With a homemade kitten milk replacer, you have complete control over the ingredients. You can choose to use goat milk, whole milk, or even dairy-free alternatives like coconut milk.
  • Quality Control: When you make your own kitten milk replacer, you know exactly what is going into it. You can avoid ingredients that are commonly found in commercial products, such as fillers, artificial flavors, or preservatives.
  • Better Nutritional Value: A homemade kitten milk replacer recipe can provide your kitten with a balanced and nutritious diet. With a custom recipe, you can control the protein, fat, and carbohydrate content, ensuring your kitten gets the nutrients they need.
  • Easy to Prepare: Making a homemade kitten milk replacer is quick and easy. With just a few simple ingredients and a blender, you can have a nutritious milk replacer ready for your kitten in no time.

Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer Recipe

Basic Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer

Recipe 1: Basic Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer

The Basic Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer is a simple and effective recipe that provides kittens with the necessary nutrition they need to grow and thrive.
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 5 mins
Total Time 5 mins


  • 1 Mixing Bowl
  • 1 Whisk
  • 1 Blender
  • 1 Bottle or jar
  • 1 Microwave or stove
  • 1 Bottle or syringe


  • 4 oz evaporated milk
  • 4 oz warm water
  • 1 tsp light corn syrup or glucose
  • 1 egg yolk


  • Combine the evaporated milk and warm water in a mixing bowl.
  • Add the egg yolk and corn syrup or glucose to the bowl and whisk everything together until it's well combined.
  • Pour the mixture into a blender and blend for a few seconds until it's smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into a bottle or jar and store it in the refrigerator.
  • Before feeding your kitten, warm the mixture in the microwave or on the stove until it's just warm to the touch.
  • Test the temperature by putting a few drops on the inside of your wrist. The mixture should be lukewarm, not hot.
  • Serve the mixture to your kitten using a bottle or syringe. If using a bottle, make sure the nipple is the correct size and shape for a kitten's mouth.


Note: This recipe makes enough for one feeding. Discard any leftover mixture and make a fresh batch each time. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours.
Keyword Basic Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer, Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer Recipes

Recipe 2: Kitten Milk Replacer with Yogurt

Cow’s milk1 cup
Plain yogurt1/4 cup
Corn syrup or honey1 tbsp
Multivitamin solution1 drop
Kitten Milk Replacer with Yogurt
Cat-Bee – Shutterstock


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolk, corn syrup or honey, and the multivitamin solution (if using).
  2. Add the whole cow’s milk and the yogurt, and mix well.
  3. Pour the mixture into a sterilized bottle or container.
  4. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.
  5. When ready to feed, warm the mixture to body temperature (about 100°F) by running the bottle under warm water or microwaving it for a few seconds.
  6. Test the temperature before feeding it to the kitten.

Recipe 3: Kitten Milk Replacer with Kefir

Cow’s milk1 cup
kefir1/4 cup
Corn syrup or honey1 tbsp
Multivitamin solution1 drop
Kitten Milk Replacer with Kefir
LuckyBusiness – iStock


  1. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the whole cow’s milk and kefir until well combined.
  2. Add the egg yolk, light corn syrup or honey, and multivitamin solution (if using) to the milk and kefir mixture, and whisk until fully incorporated.
  3. Pour the mixture into a clean bottle or container and refrigerate until ready to use.
  4. When feeding the kitten, shake the bottle well and warm the milk replacer to room temperature or slightly warmer (around 100-105°F).
  5. Use a syringe, eyedropper, or feeding bottle to feed the kitten, following the recommended feeding guidelines for their age and weight.
  6. Any unused portion of the milk replacer must be discarded after 24 hours.


Is it safe to use homemade kitten milk replacer?

It is recommended to consult with a veterinarian before using homemade kitten milk replacer as it may not meet all the nutritional needs of the kitten. According To healthyjournal”You can feed the kitten by making homemade formula in an emergency, but it’s not safe to give it homemade formula for more than a few days.” Improper preparation or storage of the milk replacer can also lead to bacterial contamination and put the kitten’s health at risk.

How do I know if my homemade kitten milk replacer is balanced nutritionally?

It is best to consult with a veterinarian to ensure that the homemade kitten milk replacer recipe meets the nutritional needs of the kitten. A veterinarian can recommend a balanced recipe or suggest adding certain nutrients to the mixture.

How often should I feed the kitten with homemade kitten milk replacer?

The frequency of feeding and the amount of milk replacer per feeding will depend on the age, weight, and overall health of the kitten. It is recommended to consult with a veterinarian for specific feeding guidelines.

How should I store homemade kitten milk replacer?

Homemade kitten milk replacer should be refrigerated and used within 24 hours. Any unused portion must be discarded after that time.


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