Why Your Cat Is Peeing Over the Edge of the Litter Box?

Unlike dogs, cats like to live on their own. They follow their own pattern of living. When they pee over the edge of the litter box. Either she is being lazy or something is wrong with her.

It could be medical, that the litter box is not suitable, or that it is behavioral. There are many factors affecting your cat and forcing her to pee over the edge. Peeing on the edge of the litter box is not a good habit.

cat peeing over the edge of litter box
Natasha Zakharova – iStock

As a cat parent, if you have noticed that behavior in your kitty, then you should pay attention to her. Try to understand it and solve the problem as soon as possible.

If your cat is doing the same thing, you have come to the right place. I have mentioned some crucial reasons why your cat peeing over the edge of the litter box with recommended solutions.

5 Reasons That Your Cat Is Peeing Over the Edge of the Litter Box

If you’re finding that your car is consistently peeing over the edge of the litter box, it can be frustrating and leave you with the task of cleaning the litter box multiple times a day.

But don’t worry, there are several common reasons why this might be happening.

We will explore the five main factors that could be causing your cat to miss the litter box, and offer some solutions to help you solve the problem.

1) Lack of space

If your cat’s litter box is too small or cramped, they may not feel comfortable using it which could lead to them peeing elsewhere.

To avoid this problem, you should look into getting a bigger litter box or even adding an additional one in another spot in the house.

Litter box size
Africa Studio – Shutterstock

This way your furry friend has more room and can choose between both boxes if desired, thus making them feel more at ease when going about their business.

2) Dirty Litter Box

In order to ensure your cat has a pleasant experience when visiting the litter box, it is important to keep up with regular cleaning. Aim to clean out the litter box daily and completely change all of the contents at least once a week.

If you are not consistent in this task, there could be some unpleasant consequences; such as your cat refusing to use their designated area and instead looking for somewhere else that is more sanitary in which they can relieve themselves.

3) Health issues

If you think your cat might have a health problem, it is important to take them to the vet for an examination.

Conditions like urinary tract infections and bladder stones can cause cats to stay away from their litter box, so if you suspect this may be the issue, seeking help from a professional is essential.

Cat Health Issues
leaf – Shutterstock

The veterinarian will be able to diagnose any issues that may be present and provide treatment options accordingly.

By taking your cat into the vet promptly when any changes in behavior occur, you can ensure they receive proper care and remain healthy.

4) Stress

If your cat is experiencing litter box issues, it could be due to stress caused by changes in its environment or routine. To help reduce the stress, you should strive to maintain a consistent and predictable schedule for your pet.

Additionally, provide plenty of hiding spots such as boxes or blankets with holes cut in them so that the cat can easily retreat if it feels overwhelmed.

Cat Stressed
wenpu wang – iStock

Finally, consider using a calming pheromone spray, which has been specially designed to help cats relax during stressful situations. By following these steps, you can help make sure your furry feline stays happy and healthy!

5) Litter preference

It is important to keep your cat’s environment and routine consistent in order to reduce stress. Providing plenty of hiding spots for your cat will help them feel secure and safe.

Additionally, you may want to consider using a calming pheromone spray which can be found at most pet stores.

These sprays help cats relax when they are feeling stressed or anxious, which could lead to litter box issues if not treated properly with proper environmental care.

Keeping the same routine each day is essential as it helps create familiarity for your furry friend while also making sure they have enough time dedicated solely for playtime or cuddles!

How to Prevent Your Cat Peeing Over the Edge of Litter Box?

Do you want to make your cat stop peeing over the edge of the litter box? Here, are some solutions for you that might help you to get rid of the issue of your cat peeing over the edge of the litter box.

1) Get the Right Size for the Litter Box

Your kitty deserves the right-sized litter box. Dr. Ilona Rodan from Cat friendly home suggests that bigger is better, and many litter boxes are too small. Litter boxes should be 1 ½ time the length of your cat from the nose to the base of the tail.

2) Keep It Neat and Clean

Cleaning the litter box is essential for a happy and healthy cat. It should be done thoroughly every day when there is more than one cat, and at least weekly when there is only one.

When changing the litter, it’s important to make sure that you get rid of all of it. Cats are picky about their surroundings and prefer a clean environment.

Cleaning Cat Litter
Ninotee – Shutterstock

Additionally, if you have multiple cats using the same box then more frequent cleaning may be necessary to keep everyone comfortable. By providing your kitty with an inviting place to do their business they’ll always choose those quiet, clean places!

3) Take Them to the Vet

If your cat is peeing over the edge of the litter box, the first thing you should do is take her to the veterinarian. Because medical issues can not be identified by watching her behavior only.

Cat consulting vet
nakleyschikova – iStock

If it looks like she might be having some medical issue then showing her to the vet is the best thing you can do for your cat.

4) Putting Floor Mats Around

Mats is the best way to keep the litter box and area clean. When your cats are peeing on the edge of the litter box and that is not happening because of any medical issue, then you can place the litter box on a floor mat until you teach her how to do peeing inside the litter box.

Litter Box Floor Mat
Oleg Opryshko – Shutterstock

5) Take Some Extra Care

If your cat is not able to get in the litter box easily, then it will be hard for her to pee in the litter box. Thus, place the litter box in an accessible place for the cat.

Cats do have stress and when they get scared or stressed out, they tend to pee instantly. Save her from stress. “Your cat will appreciate a litter box big enough to stand and do his business in without being crowded or hanging over the edge” says Lorie Huston, DVM, Petmd.

Cats have sensitive noses. She avoids places where she finds unwanted smells. So when you use litter box perfume, sometimes you are making it hard for cats to pee there instead of making it more refreshing.

If you have many cats in the house, and when they want to pee at the same time. There are chances that they pee over the edge of the litter box. It is better to keep enough litter boxes in the house for every pet you have.


Do cats like litter boxes with high sides?

Every cat has their own likes and preferences for the litter box. To know whether she like the litter box with high walls or not, you should conduct an experiment by putting two types of litter box side by side.

What to do with a cat that keeps peeing everywhere?

There are many ways to stop your cat from urinating everywhere. You can start it by identifying the cause that why she is doing it. After identifying the issue, you can resolve it through the given technique above.

How often should litter boxes be replaced?

Changing a litter box is very important for your cat’s sanity. If you have one cat, then you should change the litter every 30 days. Otherwise, it would be great if you replaced the litter every 15 to 20 days when you have more than one kitty at home.

Should the cat’s food be next to the litter box?

Keeping your cat’s food near the litter box can be dangerous for her. Either litter particles can fall into food and she eats it unknowingly or by mistake, she can pee in the food as it is near to the litter box.


The advantages of using a litter box for your cat greatly outweigh the potential drawbacks. After all, cats are like our little babies, they can’t tell us what’s wrong or how they’re feeling in words.

As their parent, it is up to us to pay attention to them and try and pick up on any issues that may arise. One common problem is when cats pee outside their designated litter box area due to discomfort or anxiety. However, there are easy solutions available that can help resolve this issue quickly.


  1. Solving Litter Box Problems. (n.d.). Dumb Friend League. Retrieved January 3, 2023, from https://www.ddfl.org/resources/solving-litter-box-problems
  2. Cat Not Using Litter Box: Causes and Solutions. (n.d.). Best Friends Animal Society. Retrieved January 3, 2023, from https://resources.bestfriends.org/article/cat-not-using-litter-box-causes-and-solutions
  3. How to Stop a Cat From Peeing. (2021, March 8). WebMD. Retrieved January 3, 2023, from https://pets.webmd.com/cats/how-to-stop-a-cat-from-peeing

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